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August 31, 1870

Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Ancona, Italy.




     July 10, 1896

Graduated from technical school and studied languages and natural sciences at the Regio Institute Tecnio Leonardo da Vinci.

Montessori was awarded her degree as a doctor of medicine. In September, she traveled to Berlin to speak at a women's conference, and was appointed as a surgical assistant at the Santo Spirito Hospital, Rome.

Dr. Montessori spoke at a national conference on children with learning difficulties in Turin.


Birth of her son Mario.

Dr. Montessori joined the National League for the Education of Retarded Children, and also lectured in Milan, Padua, Venice, and Genoa on 'The New Women' and 'Modern Charity.'

December, 1904

Dr. Montessori was appointed as a lecturer at the women's teacher training college and as a director of the State Orthophrenic School for children with learning difficulties in Rome. She received an award for outstanding service in hospitals, gave lecturers in Paris and London. While she was there, she was also presented to Queen Victoria.

 January 6, 1907

Dr.Montessori was appointed as a lecturer in science and medicine at the University of Rome.

The first Children's House, the Casa dei Bambini at San Lorenzo, was opened.


The Montessori Method was published and the U.S. magazine

Dr. Montessori set out on her first visit to the U.S.A. and impressed historical figures: Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell with her methods.


The Association Montessori Internationale (A.M.I) was founded in Berlin and the first International Montessori Congress was held at Elsinore in Denmark.


The Montessori schools in Italy closed down because of Mussolini and Dr. Montessori moved to Spain.


Dr. Montessori aged seventy-six, decided to go on a lecture tour in India which lasted for two years; where she worked with Ghandi to create world peace.


What You Should Know About Your Child and The Discovery of the Child were published.


Dr. Montessori visited Pakistan, Italy, France, Austria, Britain and Ireland. The Absorbent Mind was published and she was nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.


Dr. Montessori spoke to the United Nations education conference in Florence, Italy and was nominated again for the Nobel Peace Prize.

            July, 1950

Dr. Montessori ran a training course at Innsbruck, Austria. For the third and final time Dr. Montessori was nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

                  May 6, 1952

At age 81, Maria Montessori died in her friend's garden in Norway and was buried in a local cemetary.

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